modern home
Modern home with their design as a form of minimalist home is growing rapidly and is filled with innovations by architects architects in Indonesia.Many forms and unique minimalist model homes that will be displayed at the end of this article minimalist house, and even so as usual we always recommend reading the entire article carefully so that you can understand in detail the message and knowledge to be conveyed writer.Cultural blend of the east of Indonesia on the architecture of the building is a repertoire of beauty that can not be in hue again, because with a minimalist home design that comes from the west of the architects we have to combine form unique carvings which are elements of Indonesian culture into a more modern look in home design modern minimalist.Modern minimalist house, as we've discussed in previous articles is a combination of a variety of innovative science and not just the science of architecture alone but consist of mechanical science eletrikal and also the structure of the building.As an example of this, if you find a house with a tropical architectural style as traditional Indonesian house but inside was filled with modern technology technology, surely you will be confused whether the house includes a modern house?The answer is actually ... iya..itu modern house .... clad in traditional Indonesian art of architectureSo the modern home more to technology that is in use on a home. The following materials building materials used is also the system or installation techniques that apply.For example, another example of the type of old such as wood ceiling (this material has long been there) if the installation techniques and modern design form plafondnya will certainly look as modern home design right huh?Related to the title of our latest minimalist modern home, if we look at the title of this article seems complicated really well ... hahahaThe meaning of his own minimalist home is a home that was designed and built in the style of minimalist architecture, and when combined with the modern word modern minimalist home is a home that uses a minimalist style with the establishment of high technology in the design of his home.So..The latest modern minimalist home is a house with a minimalist architectural design uses the most recent high-tech.Another question that often arises is also,Is Model Minimalist house will last a long time?Is the minimalist model homes will always look the most?If not, keep on course, you could also ask"How can I make a minimalist home that we build can be seen as a minimalist home with the latest model?"The question of how best to design models and minimalist model homes as above every so often we receive when there are clients who want to make the design of the house.The answer is actually simple, all that there is a season, and when it expires then the design is minimalist home you would not be up to date again.Most clients frowned when he heard our answer tadi..heheheSo this ..If the latest modern minimalist home trend is related to age and architecture of the building as well as the phrase modern home because of something that was considered modern today will become obsolete in the future.Architects can do is to make a minimalist home design unique and convenient it is to the eternal and timeless era.How to do it?The first is ....When creating a minimalist design looks ahead do not mimic the whole concept or form a model existing house, try to be different, or if insufficient funds make possible custom se.The second is ....Innovate with materials or building materials, do not always wear what is commonly used by people today. Examples in some of our projects using unconventional materials for finishing such as broken glass, broken bricks and so forth.Third,Make an unusual unique shape that will be the hallmark of your modern minimalist home, ask the architect to make your home design to give something eyes catching and memorable when viewed facade of your minimalist home.For the comfort of minimalist modern home we recommend to make a minimalist home design which although looks modern but still green in architecture, so the portion of the portion of the standard for comprehensive and comparison between the open space and building as much as possible still satisfied.If the architects make your minimalist modern home design according to the rules of existing rules would be easy once bring home a healthy and comfortable.Keep in mind ... do not ever impose extents for specific needs but at the expense of natural lighting and the actual penghawaan can be obtained if it is not enforced.Figure minimalist and modern unique above all yaah ..
As we have explained above create a unique form of betuk on home design minimalist ...
Lihat bentuk kolom pada desain rumah minimalis modern ini..
Unik sekali dengan bentuk tidak simetri membuat bangunan diatas nya seolah olah jembatan yang melayang.
Gambar diatas adalah contoh desain interior pada rumah modern minimalis
Seperti dapat kita lihat bagaimana efek material yang modern ditambah dengan lighting atau tata lampu yang indah membuat interior rumah minimalis ini terlihat ultra modern.
Rumah modern minimalis yang satu ini unik karena desain arsitektur landscape berada pada setiap lantai rumah minimalis tingkat ini, rumput yang hijau pada taman atap dan balkon membuat seolah olah kita berada ditanah walaupun sebenarnya berada pada lantai 2 & lantai 3 rumah.
Cuma kalau kami boleh berpesan untuk meletakan tanah diatas dag atap memerlukan teknik yang harus benar benar baik dan mahal agar plat beton dibawahnya terjaga dari kelembaban yang merusak bangunan, dan jika dana anda tanggung... kami sangat tidak sarankan meniru model taman rumah minimalis ini.
Desain rumah modern minimalis diatas pada tahap pembangunanya cukup rumit dan membutuhkan teknik yang cukup karena adanya dinding lengkung yang membutuhkan keahlian khusus dalam membuatnya.
Rumah minimalis terbaru ditahun 2016-2017 seperti yang sebelumnya telah kami bahas pada artikel Rumah minimalis 2016-2017
memang banyak didominasi warna putih dan kaca kaca besar sebagai
jendela rumah dan sekaligus digunakan sebagai keindahan tampak rumah
Begitu juga halnya dengan rumah 2 lantai modern minimalis diatas, konsep
kantilever dan bentuk persegi merupakan keindahan pada bangunan rumah
minimalis tersebut.
Rumah modern minimalis ini menyambungkan atap dan dinding teras rumah dengan bentuk yang diperhalus seperti parabola , unik sekali ya desain rumah minimalis ini...
Rumah modern minimalis yang terakhir ini sebenarnya sederhana dari sisi bentuk karena hanya berupa rumah panggung yang dibagian bawahnya digunakan sebagai ruang ruang pendukung sebuah rumah seperti area santai dan ruang tamu.
Bentuk unik rumah minimalis tersebut adalah dari bagian dinding yang dibuat miring dan tidak dibuat seimbang.